क्र. सं. | विषय | वर्णन |
1 | Name of the Project | Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation Project (RJKIP) |
2 | Location | Far-Western Province |
3 | District | Kailali (Tikapur Municipality, Lamki Chuha Municipality, Janaki rural municipality) |
4 | Project Commencement Date | F.Y 2067/068 |
5 | Project Completion Date | F.Y 2080/2081 |
6 |
Total Project Cost ->Government of Nepal ->Government of Nepal ->WUA contribution |
27 billion 702 million -->19 billion 567 million -->9 billion 955 million -->180 million |
7 |
Gross Command Area
42,559 ha
8 |
Cultivable Command Area
38,300 ha
9 | Name of Source | Karnali River |
10 | Type of Source | Perennial |
11 | Catchment Area up to the RJKIP Intake | 45,490 Sq km |
12 | Minimum Monthly Flow | 260 m3/s (80% Reliable flow in February) |
13 | High Flood Discharge | 17,292 m3/s (100 years return period) |
14 |
Canal Design Discharge
15 |
Length of Canal
16 |
Hydropower Work
17 |
Command Area Protection Works
18 | Beneficiary Population |
200,000. Indegenious-54.5%, Dalit-15% |
19 | B/C Ratio | 1.63 |
20 | EIRR | 19.10 % |
21 | Overall Progress | 70% physical |
22 | Expenditure till date | 20 Billion 61 million |